
About the Big Ten Academic Alliance Advancing Women in STEM
The Big Ten Academic Alliance Advancing Women in STEM (BTAA-AWS) is a collaboration of Big Ten schools, focused on broadening participation and success of women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) at all levels. BTAA-AWS was spearheaded in 2018 at Douglass College at Rutgers University-New Brunswick in response to calls for greater inter-institutional dialogue and exchange. With the leadership of Douglass College, the BTAA-AWS developed a new platform for collaboration for leaders, practitioners, and researchers at Big Ten schools working to advance women in STEM. 

Since 2019 the BTAA-AWS has hosted several summits in Chicago, New Brunswick and online. Douglass College serves as the lead administrative unit for BTAA-AWS and works collaboratively with steering committee members from other Big Ten schools to drive the mission forward.



Please reach out to btaastemsummit@rutgers.edu for more information.